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Click on any command for more details.


Some commands take additional arguments.
Arguments like <this> are required.
Arguments like [this] are optional.

Faction Member Commands

/f join <faction>

Join a defined faction.



/f leave

Leave your faction.



/f chat <mode>

Toggles chat modes or specify which channel you want to be in (public, alliance, faction, truce)

Requirements node.

/f togglealliancechat

Toggle ignoring alliance chat.


factions.togglealliancechat node.

/f home

Teleports you to your faction's home.



/f warp [name] [password]

Teleports you to a warp, password optional. Opens GUI if no warp defined.


factions.warp node.

/f warpother <faction> [name] [password]

Teleports you to a faction's warp, password optional. Opens GUI if no warp defined.


factions.warp node.
Permission to use that faction's warps.

/f fly

Fly in your faction's territory. Disabled in combat.

Requirements node.

/f vault [number]

Opens your faction's vault. If no vault is defined, it will list available vaults.


factions.vault node.

Faction Creation and Management

/f create <name>

Create a faction with the given name.


factions.create node.

/f disband

Disband your faction.


factions.disband node.

/f tag <tag>

Change your faction's tag.


factions.tag node.
Must be faction moderator or higher

/f desc <description...>

Set your faction's new description.


factions.description node.
Must be faction moderator or higher

/f sethome

Set your faction's home.


factions.sethome node.

/f delhome <name>

Delete your faction's home


factions.delhome node.

/f setwarp <name> [password]

Set a warp with an optional password to your location.


factions.setwarp node.

/f delwarp <name>

Delete a warp


factions.setwarp node.

/f announce <message...>

Creates an announcement sent to all faction members.
Also saves the message for all current members who are offline, sending to them upon login.


factions.announce node.
Must be moderator of your faction or higher to use.

/f perms

Manage permissions for your Faction.


factions.permissions node. Must be faction admin.

Member management

/f defaultrole <role>"

Sets your faction's default role for new members.


factions.defaultrank node. Must be faction leader.

/f open

Toggle allowing anyone being able to join the faction.

Requirements node.
Must be faction moderator or higher.

/f invite <target>

Invite a player to your faction.


factions.invite node. Must be faction admin, or be granted invite perms in the faction.

/f deinvite <target>

Revoke an invite from a player. If no player is defined, it will list all players with pending invites.


factions.deinvite node. Must be faction admin, or be granted invite perms in the faction.

/f deinvite <target>

Lists all players with pending invites. Click the names to revoke their invite.


factions.showinvites node. Must be faction admin, or be granted invite perms in the faction.

/f title <player> [title]

Set a player's custom title. Will charge them if enabled.


factions.title node. Must be faction moderator or higher

/f promote <name>

Promote a player by one rank.


factions.promote node.

/f demote <name>

Demote a player by one rank.


factions.promote node.

/f mod [name]

Promote a player in your faction to mod.


factions.mod node.
Must be faction coleader or higher

/f coleader [name]

Promote a player in your faction to coleader.


factions.coleader node.
Must be faction leader

/f admin <player>

Sets the new leader of your faction.

A server administrator can make any targeted player the leader of the faction that player is in.


factions.admin node.
Must be admin of your faction to use.
factions.admin.any node to change status of any player.

/f kick <target>

Kicks a player from the faction.


factions.kick node. Must be faction admin, or be granted kick perms in the faction.

/f ban <target>

Bans a player from the faction.


factions.ban node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted ban perms in the faction.

/f unban <target>

Unbans a player from the faction.


factions.ban node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted ban perms in the faction.

/f banlist

Lists players currently banned from the faction.


factions.ban node.


/f claim [radius] [faction]

Defaults: radius = 1, faction = yours
Claims one or more chunks for the given faction.
Can only claim if the land is not claimed by another faction, or if the other faction has more land than power (and is not an ally).


Land cannot be owned by another faction (unless using power, the owning faction has more land than power, and the owning faction is not an ally)
factions.claim node.
factions.claim.radius node to claim a radius greater than 1.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.
To claim for safezone, must have factions.managesafezone.
To claim for warzone, must have factions.managewarzone.

/f unclaim [radius] [faction]

Defaults: radius = 1, faction = yours
Returns one or more chunks of faction territory to the wilderness.


factions.unclaim node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.
To unclaim for safezone, must have factions.managesafezone.
To unclaim for warzone, must have factions.managewarzone.

/f autoclaim [faction]

Defaults: faction = yours
Turns autoclaiming on or off. If on, any chunk you enter that you can claim, will be claimed up until you reach your faction's limit.


factions.autoclaim node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.
To claim for safezone, must have factions.managesafezone.
To claim for warzone, must have factions.managewarzone.

/f autounclaim [faction]

Defaults: faction = yours
Turns autounclaiming on or off. If on, any chunk you enter that you can unclaim, will be unclaimed.


factions.autoclaim node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.
To claim for safezone, must have factions.managesafezone.
To claim for warzone, must have factions.managewarzone.

/f claimat <world> <x> <z>

Attempts to claim a chunk in the given world at the given coordinates.
The x and z values are chunk coordinates, not normal block coordinates.
You can see chunk coordinates from /f map, for example.


factions.claimat node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.

/f claimfill [amount] [faction]

Defaults: amount = config limit, faction = yours Attempts to claim a number of blocks filling in an established shape of claims.


factions.claim.fill node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.
To claim for safezone, must have factions.managesafezone.
To claim for warzone, must have factions.managewarzone.

/f unclaimfill [amount] [faction]

Defaults: amount = config limit, faction = yours
Attempts to unclaim all claims connected to the current claim.


factions.unclaim.fill node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.
To claim for safezone, must have factions.managesafezone.
To claim for warzone, must have factions.managewarzone.

/f claimline [amount] [direction] [faction]

Defaults: amount = 1, direction = facing, faction = yours
Attempts to claim a number of blocks in a line based on the direction given (or facing direction, if not specified).
Acceptable directions: north, south, east, west.


factions.claim.line node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.
To claim for safezone, must have factions.managesafezone.
To claim for warzone, must have factions.managewarzone.

/f unclaimall

The nuclear option. Removes all claims in your faction, returning them to the wilderness.


factions.unclaimall node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted territory perms in the faction.

/f safeunclaimall [world]

Defaults: world = all
Removes all safezone claims in a given world, or in all worlds.


factions.managesafezone node.

/f warunclaimall [world]

Defaults: world = all
Removes all warzone claims in a given world, or in all worlds.


factions.managewarzone node.

/f listclaims [world] [faction]

Defaults: world = current, faction = current
Lists all coordinates of faction claims, merging attached claims into one coordinate with number of claims in parentheses.


factions.listclaims node.
Must be faction admin, or be granted listclaims perms in the faction.
To view other factions, must havefactions.listclaims.other.


/f money

Shows help for money commands.



/f money balance

Check a faction's balance. Default is your own faction.

Requirements node.

/f money deposit <amount> [faction]

Deposit money into your faction. Admins can specify other factions and can add money to the specified faction.

Requirements node.

/f money ff <amount> <factionfrom> <factionto>

Transfer money from one faction to another.

Requirements node.

/f money fp <amount> <factionfrom> <playerto>

Transfer money from one faction to a player.

Requirements node.

/f money pf <amount> <playerfrom> <factionto>

Transfer money from one player to a faction.

Requirements node.

/f money withdraw <amount> [faction]

Withdraw money from your faction. Admins can specify any faction and take away money from the faction.

Requirements node.

/f money modify <amount> <faction>

Modify a faction's bank account.

Requirements node.

TNT Bank

/f tnt

Shows faction TNT bank.

Requirements node.

/f tnt deposit <amount>

Deposit into the faction TNT bank


factions.tnt.deposit node.

/f tnt fill <radius> <amount>

Fill nearby dispensers with TNT from faction TNT bank


factions.tnt.fill node.

/f tnt info

Shows faction TNT bank.

Requirements node.

/f tnt siphon <radius> [amount]

Siphon TNT from nearby dispensers into the faction TNT bank


factions.tnt.siphon node.

/f tnt withdraw <amount>

Withdraw from the faction TNT bank


factions.tnt.withdraw node.

Remaining commands

Commands yet to be documented in the new format

Command Permission Meaning
/f ahome <target> factions.ahome Teleport a player to their faction's home.
/f autohelp none Show help for all commands.
/f boom [on/off] factions.noboom Toggle peaceful explosions in your faction's territory on or off.
/f bypass factions.bypass Set yourself to bypass faction permission checks.
/f chatspy factions.chatspy Enable spying on all private chat channels.
/f coords factions.coords Send faction members your current position
/f help <page> List help pages for things.
/f list factions.list List top Factions by players.
/f lock factions.lock Lock datafiles from being overwritten. Will make anything on the server not get saved.
/f logins factions.monitorlogins Toggle monitoring of logins for your faction.
/f map [on/off] View the faction map of the area around you.
/f mapheight [value] factions.mapheight Set how many lines your /f map will show.
/f modifypower <name> <power> factions.modifypower Modify a player's power. The variable adds power to the player's current power.
/f owner [name] factions.owner Set claim ownership for this chunk. Admins can specify a target player.
/f ownerlist factions.ownerlist Get the current owner of the chunk you're in if it's in your faction.
/f peaceful <faction> factions.setpeaceful Set a faction to being peaceful.
/f permanent <faction> factions.setpermanent Set a faction to permanent status. This will make the faction stay if there are zero members.
/f permanentpower <faction> [power] factions.setpermanentpower Set permanent power to a faction.
/f power <player> factions.power Check power of a player. Default is yourself.
/f powerboost <player/faction> <name> <number> factions.powerboost Set powerboost of a player or faction. can be 'f' or 'p' to let the plugin know if you're specifying a player or faction.
/f rel <relation> <faction> factions.relation Request to change your faction's relationship with a target faction. Relations can be ally, truce, neutral, enemy.
/f reload factions.reload Reload configurations (lang.yml, config.yml, conf.json). This does not reload factions saved data from disk.
/f safeunclaimall [world] factions.managesafezone Safely unclaim all territories in your world. Can specify another world.
/f saveall Force save all factions data to disk.
/f sb factions.scoreboard Toggle the factions scoreboard on or off.
/f sc factions.seechunk See outlines around the border of the chunk you're standing in. No one else can see the outlines.
/f setmaxvaults <faction> <number> factions.setmaxvaults Set the max vaults a faction can have.
/f show [faction] Show info about a Faction. Default is yours.
/f status factions.status Show status of all players in your faction.
/f stuck factions.stuck Attempts to teleport you to the nearest wilderness chunk.
/f top <criteria> [page] List top factions by criteria (members, start, power, land, online, money).
/f version factions.version Show the version string for FactionsUUID.
/f warunclaimall factions.managewarzone Unclaim all warzone claims.
/f near factions.near Show nearby faction members