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We hook into the plugin PlaceholderAPI to allow you to hook Factions info into other plugins.

Internal Placeholders

Spots that you can use placeholders from other plugins in FactionsUUID text:

  • /f show
  • scoreboards
  • name tag prefix

External Placeholders

These are placeholders you can use in other plugins (or the places listed above) that will hook into FactionsUUID.


The following can be used in plugins that support PlaceholderAPI relational placeholders.

Relational Placeholder Description
%rel_factionsuuid_relation% The relation between the 2 players
%rel_factionsuuid_relation_color% Color of the relation between the 2 players


The rest of the placeholders should be usable by any plugin supporting placeholders.

Player Placeholder Description
%factionsuuid_player_name% The player's name
%factionsuuid_player_lastseen% Last time the player was seen on the server or their online status
%factionsuuid_player_group% Player's permission group
%factionsuuid_player_balance% Player's money
%factionsuuid_player_power% Player's power
%factionsuuid_player_maxpower% Max power a player can have
%factionsuuid_player_kills% Kills by this player
%factionsuuid_player_deaths% Deaths by this player
%factionsuuid_player_role% Player's faction role
%factionsuuid_player_role_name% Player's faction role's name
%factionsuuid_player_map_#% Sidebar map (replace # with row number starting with 1)


Fun fact! You can edit any placeholder below to say faction_territory instead and it will display the information for the faction in which the player is presently standing. For example, %factionsuuid_faction_territory_name% will display the name of the faction that owns the chunk the player is standing inside at the moment it is queried.

Faction Placeholder Description
%factionsuuid_faction_name% Faction's tag
%factionsuuid_faction_name_custom% Custom faction tag based on lang.yml CUSTOM name
%factionsuuid_faction_only_space% Literally a space, only if the player is in a faction
%factionsuuid_faction_power% Faction's current power
%factionsuuid_faction_powermax% Faction's max power
%factionsuuid_faction_dtr% Faction's DTR
%factionsuuid_faction_dtrmax% Faction's max DTR
%factionsuuid_faction_maxclaims% Faction's max claims
%factionsuuid_faction_description% Faction's long description
%factionsuuid_faction_claims% Number of claimed chunks
%factionsuuid_faction_founded% Date your faction was founded
%factionsuuid_faction_joining% If your faction is allowing new members
%factionsuuid_faction_peaceful% If your faction is peaceful
%factionsuuid_faction_powerboost% Faction's current powerboost
%factionsuuid_faction_leader% Name of the leader
%factionsuuid_faction_warps% Number of warps
%factionsuuid_faction_raidable% If HCF features are enabled, shows if your faction is raidable
%factionsuuid_faction_home_world% World of your faction's home
%factionsuuid_faction_home_x% X coordinate of your faction's home
%factionsuuid_faction_home_y% Y coordinate of your faction's home
%factionsuuid_faction_home_z% Z coordinate of your faction's home
%factionsuuid_faction_land_value% Total value of your faction's land
%factionsuuid_faction_land_refund% How much your faction would get if they refunded the land
%factionsuuid_faction_bank_balance% Faction's bank balance
%factionsuuid_faction_allies% Number of allies
%factionsuuid_faction_allies_players% Number of allied players
%factionsuuid_faction_allies_players_online% Number of allied players online
%factionsuuid_faction_allies_players_offline% Number of allied players offline
%factionsuuid_faction_enemies% Number of enemies
%factionsuuid_faction_enemies_players% Number of enemy players
%factionsuuid_faction_enemies_players_online% Number of enemy players online
%factionsuuid_faction_enemies_players_offline% Number of enemy players offline
%factionsuuid_faction_truces% Number of truces
%factionsuuid_faction_truces_players% Number of truced players
%factionsuuid_faction_truces_players_online% Number of truced players online
%factionsuuid_faction_truces_players_offline% Number of truced players offline
%factionsuuid_faction_online% Number of players online in your faction
%factionsuuid_faction_offline% Number of players offline in your faction
%factionsuuid_faction_relation_color% Relation color (more useful for territory mode)
%factionsuuid_faction_size% Total online and offline faction members
%factionsuuid_faction_kills% Total kills your faction has
%factionsuuid_faction_deaths% Total deaths your faction has
%factionsuuid_faction_maxvaults% Max vaults your faction can have
%factionsuuid_faction_dtr_frozen% True or false (customizable in lang.yml) for DTR frozen state
%factionsuuid_faction_dtr_frozen_time% Time remaining in frozen state (configure in main.conf) or blank if not frozen
%factionsuuid_faction_tnt_balance% TNT bank balance
%factionsuuid_faction_tnt_max_balance% Maximum TNT bank balance