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/f perms

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You can control who, inside or outside your faction, has access to various actions within your territory.

How it all works: Selectors and Actions

Determination of who can perform what actions is sorted out by selectors, which then have defined for them a series of allowed or denied actions. For example, a selector may describe all members of the faction with at least the moderator role, and that selector is allowed the setwarp action, so they may set warps within the faction. Or, perhaps a selector describing allies of the faction is allowed to open doors within the faction, as this faction wants their allies to enter their territory.

To determine if a player can perform an action, the selectors for a given faction are checked in order. If a player matches a selector, the matched selector is then checked for the action. If the action is found then that state, allow or deny, is used. Only the first selector-matched action state (allow/deny) is used. For anyone familiar with Discord permissions, this system behaves similarly. If no selectors match, or the action is not present in any matching selectors, the action is denied.

Server admins can control override permissions, defining selectors and actions that will apply to all factions and will be processed before any faction-set selectors are checked. As an example usage, a server admin could force all factions to allow allies to use buttons through an ally matching override selector with button set to allow. In the config, admins can additionally set actions to hidden and this will prevent the action from showing up anywhere. It is not advisable to hide an action after the server has been running without also setting an all override selector for it to avoid any previously set options from being unchangeable by faction admins.

All of this functionality can be controlled by a faction leader through the /f perms command, just by running that base command and clicking the text within to add/remove/reorder selectors.


Action Description
ban Can ban others from the faction
build Can build in faction territory (while not raidable)
button Use buttons in faction territory (while not raidable)
container Use containers in faction territory (while not raidable)
destroy Can destroy in faction territory (while not raidable)
disband Can disband the faction (careful!)
door Use doors in faction territory (while not raidable)
economy Can access faction economy
fly Can fly in faction territory
frost Can frost walk in faction territory (while not raidable)
home Can visit the faction home
invite Able to invite others to the faction
item Use items in faction territory (while not raidable)
kick Can kick faction members
lever Use levers in faction territory (while not raidable)
owner Can created owned areas with /f owner
pain Allows building/destroying in faction territory but causes pain (while not raidable)
plate Can interact with pressure plates
promote Can promote members up to their own role within the faction
sethome Can set the faction home
setwarp Can set a faction warp
territory Can claim/unclaim faction territory
tntdeposit Can deposit into faction TNT bank (including siphon)
tntwithdraw Can withdraw from faction TNT bank (including fill)
warp Can use faction warps


Any selector that can match a faction (all, faction, relation) can be used for non-player actions like pistons

Selector Description
all Matches everything, always.
faction Matches a specific faction. Can input the faction name, but will be stored using non-changing internal ID.
player Matches a specific player. Can input the player name, but will be stored using non-changing Mojang UUID.
relation-single Matches a specific relation.
relation-atleast Matches a relation of at least the given type. Order: Enemy, Neutral, Truce, Ally.
relation-atmost Matches a relation of at most the given type. Order: Enemy, Neutral, Truce, Ally.
role-single Matches a specific relation
role-atleast Matches a role of at least the given type. Order: Recruit, Normal, Moderator, Coleader, Admin.
role-atmost Matches a role of at most the given type. Order: Recruit, Normal, Moderator, Coleader, Admin.
unknown This is how any unknown selectors loaded from storage are treated, like if a plugin providing extra selectors didn't load. Unknown selectors never match anything.